One who provides the ass fucking.
Oh man I raped you hard. I guess you could say I and a butt raper huh sis
by Not.Even.Asian. January 16, 2016
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One who forcefully restrains and analy penetrates another unwilling human or animal.

Also used as an insult
1. Jim is an Anus Raper, he fucked her in the ass.

2. You little anus raper!
by RILES20 May 1, 2005
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a penis which curves to one side, giving it the shape of a sickle (the Grim Reaper's weapon of choice).
by rapeartist January 19, 2005
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A man, who finds it pleasurable, to ejaculate on the ashes of the deceased. Other forms of this include rolling the ashes into a joint, and smoking them inside your pee hole, or snorting the ashes into your asshole, using a bendy straw.
"Hey son, I have terrible news, I got totally shitfaced, and accidentally snorted grandma's ashes into my asshole. I'm so sorry I'm a Grim Raper, but in my defense, it felt fucking amazing. Promise me you won't tell mommy that i jerked one on her dad's grave."
by somerandomasshole April 16, 2014
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particularly obnoxious aussie; not just a dickhead but an arsehole as well; usually someone who'll give you shit with the intent of being offensive not just stupid; reserved for the worst of the bunch. often used in response to the oft-quoted and never-tired-of phrase aussies use for new zealanders: "sheep-shagger" or more recently "sheep-fucker"
ok, so you won the commonwealth games, shut up about it roo raper
by dennis-mcgavidy April 27, 2006
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A man/woman who violates another man/woman by cuddling them when they are not aware/willing of being cuddled
"I was passed out on the hospital stretcher and when I woke up he was laying next to me, he was such a cuddle raper!"
by Uniqwa January 10, 2006
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