person from india,or with indian ancestry,this is more common say between french-americans,raccoon is a nickname given to indian people due to their more darker skin around their eyes,wish assimilate them to raccoons whom also have this characteristic
I went to 7eleven,and that fuckin raccoon tried to overcharge me for a 12 pack.
by jean zizuo March 30, 2008
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An indestructable homacidal monster which is immortal and if you encounter one you should just take the easy way out and blow your brains out in front of your family
im at the gym and theres a big raccoon working out more buff than me
by juicy mango May 4, 2021
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Raccoon is a person who skuttles about
A normal person: Why are you walking like that?
Raccoon child: What ever do you mean?
A normal person: You keep walking like a raccoon!
by The Raccoon Ambassador November 17, 2018
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Verb. To raccoon someone is to blacken both of the eyes through bludgeoning.
Greg thought it was necessary to hit each eye to raccoon his opponent, but he was successful with a single right cross to the nose.
by somegoof January 19, 2005
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A person of extreme annoyance whose sole purpose is to make one want to jump off of a bridge. Can be associated with the feelings one gets from having their garbage knocked over and strewn across the front lawn. Also, someone who will steal your food and scurry away then the lights come on.
Irina "Wow I'm starving. I think the rest of my pasta is still in.... o wtf!!"

John "It must have been Randee, that damn raccoon"
by John Tallia May 20, 2007
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When you are at a girl's house doing her from behind (in the pussy) and you stick your finger in her asshole, finish in her, and then pull your finger out and make two brown circles around her eyes. You then run out of her house and knock over her trash cans.
After that fugly cunt cheated on me I rocked a Raccoon on the ho.
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When someone gives their spousal entity hickies around the nipples in the shape of a raccoon's mask.
My girlfriend woke up this morning with a raccoon on her chest.
by Dannyn November 12, 2006
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