(noun) ;a random comeback. when in comeback battle, a response.
"your so dumb." - "yeah? well your a pussyfoot."
"stop being such a pussyfoot."
"what a loser." - "shut up pussyfoot."
by caity d December 5, 2004
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A rare disorder affecting the feet. May make walking downright uncomfortable.
"Hello, boys! I have pussyfoot!"

"Yeah, you sure do. Take off your shoes and let us see!"
by CaffienatedYak June 16, 2004
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When you proceed to shove your whole foot up someone’s pussy/ass hole and thrust is back and forth as if you where fisting them
Damn Kyle was pussyfooting Jenny last night in the other room
by Its_just_darflyn June 27, 2019
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Dalton is the definition of a pussyfootin as niggah, who can't handle a zong rip.
by Soulzz June 13, 2017
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(noun) - a refill of your drink where you slyly leave a table of people so that you dont have to fill up other peoples drinks who also need a refill.
When all of Timmy's friends got distracted by the hot girl who walked in the restaurant, Timmy got up and got a pussyfoot refill, relieving him of the responsiblity to fill his crony's drinks up.
by aarbizzle September 8, 2010
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A really funny insult to use when your in a non-serious argument. This phrase originated from Lila and Jenny’s creative imagination.
by pussyslayr April 15, 2022
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The illusion of attempting an heroic act in a pussyfooting manner in attempts to sway odds in your favor.
That was a pathetic use of tactical pussyfooting.

Your tactical pussyfooting proved useful.
by MafiaBTW November 30, 2022
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