I'm so posted up for shark week.

Oh my God, this song gets me so posted up!

I love this place. I'm so posted up right now.
by postedupforhiphop August 10, 2009
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when ur so bummed about just bein dumped by the person you loved, that you start acting like a total retard
"hey evrybody listen to this" (bends over and farts)
by giz May 25, 2004
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What many people say to others after they post an entry in something, usually in an online blog.
"Post up" - Bob
"Alright, I'll check it out in a little bit." - whomever he is speaking with
by Vio-lence March 8, 2006
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When a broad is showing great interest in a guy, and really wants to fuck him.
Money: "Yo Wake, that broad wants your cock eh?"
Wake: "Yea she's Postin-Up hard!"
Money: "I'd let her Post-Up any day"
by Money Wake April 8, 2008
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A)To take a shit.

B)When you have to poop and you post up on the shitter.
A)Man, I really have to post up, I need to find a bathroom soon.

B)Every morning my boyfriend posts up with his PSP for a good 30 minutes.
by Sarah Lambert March 3, 2008
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Literally means nothing, but generally used as a greeting or goodbye. The phrase may also be used to describe a moment of guys being dudes.
*Kyle walks down hallway*
*Sees friend walking to his direction*
"Hey dude, Posted Up in York!"
"Haha, Posted Up in York!"
*Kyle and friend continue walking to their destination*
by kalechow March 6, 2019
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