Particles of fecal matter that get caught on a man's pubic hair during anal sex with another man.

The term, in the tradition of santorum is a reference to the minister of the Westboro Baptist Church.
Dude, did you wipe? I got phelps all over me.
by omfgplanes October 5, 2006
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To win within the tightest margin possible.
"Don't cut your nails, because you just might phelp that win."
by sirald66 August 16, 2008
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articles of feces transferred to the pubic hair of the penetrator during anal sex.
by castu October 5, 2006
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To win within the tightest margin possible.
Only computers can see you phelped that win.
by SIRALD66 September 1, 2008
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1. In competition, to win by a large margin.
2. to phelp (someone): To leak an incriminating photo or video to the tabloids, often with bad consequences for the subject of the photo or video.
3. To attract public scrutiny for controversial behavior.
4. To make a mistake with very bad consequences; To lose everything.
5. To smoke large amounts of marijuana.
1. That team is so good, they always phelp the competition!
2. Did you see those pictures of Miley? She got phelped pretty bad.
4. Everything was going so well, then I totally phelped it up!
5. -Did you phelp last night?
-Yeah man, I was so high.
by catpow March 9, 2009
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to cough into a bong, shooting the weed and bongwater out the stem.
by Ragnaar February 3, 2009
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Verb: To own, in light of Michael Phelps' success at the Olympics
Jake: Dude, did you see the Olympics?
Kelly: Yeah, the American swimming team just phelped the competition.
by dmiller1126 August 17, 2008
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