A code name for drugs. Mainly used in schools so teachers don't get suspicious of drug use.
"Want some free wifi"

"Yo hit me up with some free wifi"
by K.brot February 27, 2014
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A person who primarily plays online and has adapted to the lag using tactics and flow charts which will never work in-person play.
Me: Can you at least use a LAN cable Wifi Warrior buddy?
Wifi Warrior: *some bs reason*
by Waggish January 27, 2021
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Jamie wifi is when there is a lot of lag or really slow wifi.
Person 1: “man, my wifi is so bad
Person 2:”dude, you have Jamie wifi
by Bruh12675 June 27, 2021
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Shit wifi which gets progressively shittier every year. They have a 10 year contract and have no intention to replace it. Whenever school tries to work on their wifi (to block sites like Snapchat and Twitter, the only thing they will ever bother to do), their wifi gets shittier.

The school I went to actually had decent wifi the first year I went there. Until the second year, they started blocking EVERYTHING. Not just porn, EVERYTHING. They had a fucking whitelist system to block. That block slows everything down, and since everyone is using VPN, the wifi is even slower.

Just block the porn sites. Nobody will watch porn at school. And since everyone is going to go on VPN anyway, just remove the damn block.
Me during the first year: The school wifi isn't so bad! I can actually tolerate it!

Me during the second year: WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT?!
by TheExtremeEvoker February 28, 2019
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I can access the internet anywhere in my house using my ghetto wifi.
by Professor Booty May 13, 2004
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The first question you ask waiters, hostesses, busboys, at any establishment offering "free Wi-Fi". This is typically done after trying to connect to the network on your own to no avail, Such as: 1) trying to connect without a password. 2) Guessing the password according to the type of establishment (Pizza Place-pizza, free pizza WiFi, password, pizza place password, pizza admin , password1, pizza1 ,admin, wifi) . Typically asked as a last resort, and with much disdain. There goes your James Bond hacker dreams.
Waiter: Hello I will be your server this evening. Do you have any questions about the menu or would you like to hear our specials? Let me know if there is anything I can do for you!

You: Whats your WiFi Password?
by Steff-the-chef March 9, 2015
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