2 definitions by Steff-the-chef

The first question you ask waiters, hostesses, busboys, at any establishment offering "free Wi-Fi". This is typically done after trying to connect to the network on your own to no avail, Such as: 1) trying to connect without a password. 2) Guessing the password according to the type of establishment (Pizza Place-pizza, free pizza WiFi, password, pizza place password, pizza admin , password1, pizza1 ,admin, wifi) . Typically asked as a last resort, and with much disdain. There goes your James Bond hacker dreams.
Waiter: Hello I will be your server this evening. Do you have any questions about the menu or would you like to hear our specials? Let me know if there is anything I can do for you!

You: Whats your WiFi Password?
by Steff-the-chef March 9, 2015
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Obese + Petite. To be short with tiny feet and or limbs but also morbidly Obese.

Think of a short T-Rex with tiny feet but a huge over hanging stomach.

Think of a fat woman with lady like petite feet or small hands. A short torso.
Me: Did you see Chrissy Metz go by with her teeny tiny feet?

You: Yeah I wouldn't have known she went by with her quiet tiny feet walk!

Me: Yeah good things she's obese so we can visually know when she's going by! She's definitely obete!
by Steff-the-chef January 28, 2019
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