The act of grabbing your partners legs, while partner remains faced down, arms extended. You forcefully thrust your member into them while pushing them like a wheel barrel until their arms give out, resulting in rug burn on the forehead.
kimmie was so excited to do yard work but it was raining so Captain D gave her the Minnesota mower to fulfill her needs.
by Captain D’s salty solutions! October 29, 2020
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A sex position in which the man holds his partners legs in the air and fucks her in the ass while she walks on her hands.
Steve: I just gave Shannon the lawn mower.

Raymond: No way. Did she enjoy it?

Steve: Her asshole is fine but, her wrists are a bit sore.
by Chieflickalottapus December 31, 2011
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Go git the lurn mower and cut dat grass.
by ClassicDisastr September 12, 2009
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Something that cuts the grass on your lawn, preferably a Mexican.
John Smith: Oh no, my lawn needs mowing. I need a lawn mower. Mario!
Mario Roche: Si senor! I mow your lawn for 50 cents!
by John Smith the 20th October 26, 2009
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The act of ripping anus hair with your teeth from a partners ass.
"Hey Man can you give me a Butt Mower?"
by Wayne Jenkins November 13, 2006
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A really awesome lawn mower that is lifted and got nobby tires and light bars. It qualifies as a mud mower in Maine only you out of staters can shove it up your pussies. Mud mower are for men and sexy women that like to get down and dirt.
I rode my mud mower like I ride my women
by Mud Mower guy February 7, 2018
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Someone who eats the sac/pussy.
A hairy pussy specifically.
"Yo, kidd, you nasty eating dat gurrl like a lawn mower dat you r. Dat sac gotta b hairless nigga, u dun want a mouth full of hair"
by DamnIt69 May 11, 2010
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