ok, i was reading these definitions and i came to the conclusion that i have never heard anyone in my life say P-Town what a loser (Bamma 4 life). That was definitley not cool.

1. Everyone needs to stop referring to Maryland as "ghetto". Most people in Maryland are from Middle-Class America. Whether it be from lower or upper its still Middle.

2. Maryland is not just Annapolis or any other cracker-county or city you can think of. Where you eat crabs and sail on yatchs and love the Navy.

3. Maryland is divided up into 3 parts. DC Metro (PG,Montgomery,Northern Virginia also and maybe Fredrick county), Baltimore (Anne Arundel,Charles,Howard, Calvert,) and anything else that nobody wants to claim.

4. Even though Prince Georges county might be "ghetto" there is alot of contrast even in that county. You have the extremely rich and you have the 9th Ward (DC's Annex). P.G County is the richest black county in the Nation. Look it up.

5. Marylanders do not have accents. We just cant pronnounce the letter "R". Its Murrland. Drop that "Y" also thats how we can tell your from the north.
Maryland is one of the better states that was adopted into the union.
by Qu.Great November 17, 2006
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This state has everything beach, mountains,grass. It has the fourth best county in the country. HOCO (Howard County)
CRABS!! If you don't eat crabs then you don't belong. It's sub not hoagie, its hon not... well its just hon. Ocean City is the best beach but dirtiest town. Columbia is Prep capital of the world not to mention the is 12 High schools in the 3rd smallest county in the state.(Howard) Has the hottest girls at a university, Towson Baby!! No i don't go there but its nice to know. So move to the best state in the country its like a mini American to think of it!
Maryland rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Go Hammond Golden Bears!!!!!!!!!!Huntington Ma'Fuckas!!!!!!!!!!
by MistaMcVicka May 25, 2007
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I live in Maryland. It's the best state. I don't care what anybody says, it's a Southern state! We have Southern chains like Waffle House and Hardee's and Family Dollar. Some people in Maryland also talk like Southerners.

Maryland's largest city is Baltimore. Its capital city is Annapolis. It has a population of about 5,633,000. It is almost divided in two by the Chesapeake Bay, which stops around Havre de Grace. This waterway is the dividing line from the western and eastern shores. Some people say the Susquehanna River is the unofficial northern part of this line.

Maryland is known for crabs. People make them every year. They also have Old Bay seasoning. Ocean City is a popular beach on the Atlantic coast. The Eastern Shoe is very different from other part of the state. Central Maryland has the Baltimore-Washington Metropolitan Area. It includes Howard, Montgomery, and Prince George's counties, which are just big collections of suburbs. Out west is the Appalachian Mountains.

Maryland has the Baltimore Ravens (who I don't really care for) and the Baltimore Orioles. The Washington Redskins, my favorite team, plays in Landover.

Maryland is a very diverse state. I live in Harford County, which is diverse itself. It's a mixture of farms and suburbs.
Maryland is the best! I like their crabs and all the places they have to offer.
by johnson4 December 24, 2009
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Maryland is both one of the Southern United States and the South Atlantic States (look it up, US Census). Both geographically and historically it has been a southern state; it's right below the Mason Dixon Line! If the U.S. Government hadn't put the state under martial law during the civil war, it would of seceded to the confederecy! One of the stars on the stars and bars represents Maryland! Marylanders do speak with a southern accent; ex. Baltimorese, Eastern Shore, ex. The only reason some people may not speak with an accent is because they were born out of state or live in and around DC, which is an international city.Lisean,I am a northerner.I grew up in New York City. I've been to and through Maryland-ANYTHING south of Jersey and PA (Delaware and West Virginia included)is the south. Get over it, people.
I'm going down south to Maryland.
by Irish guy from NYC November 30, 2006
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Maryland is a small state in the I-95 corridor. A lot of people are real chill here, except when they go crazy and kill people. We got a lot of good music hear. For example All Time Low. That band is amazing. Basically to survive in maryland all you have to do is eat crabs. Everything is basically in (or close to) Maryland. Hit us up sometime well chill on Thames Street in B-more sometime.

Oh and btw the person who was dissing harford county might want to spell HARFORD right. Plus it's nice up here why are you dissing us?
Girl: Omg lyke ATL is the sweetest band eva!
Boy from Maryland: Um i went to school with those guys.
by Jtotheackie November 4, 2007
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The state that has everything. Baltimore is real ghetto. The east is the southern part. The west is all mountainy and nice looking. There are suburbs, cities, and country. A kickass state in general, except for the sports. Orioles suck, and everyone wishes they didn't have to use DC as their teams for other sports. The only good team is the Ravens. Takoma Park is another ghetto near DC. DC has a screwed up economy because there are a lot of people living in it but nothing but government buildings. You can't find a good restaraunt or club or anything outside of Georgetown. Virginia is a really gay state though, its a downgraded version of Maryland's east coast, only not southern, just messed up. All the fine girls are in the cities of MD though. West Virginia is basically just a big piece of earth with people on it. The main point is to be better than Virginia, which it is.
Maryland is obsessed with sports, but has no sports teams. Not north or south. Just Maryland. Not suburbs or cities, both.
by KRSplat May 1, 2004
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The wealthiest and most educated state in the union. Nice places, like Mntgomery County, and shitty places like Baltimore.
You can find me in Potomac.
by Jack January 23, 2004
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