the fifth and a half dimension of hell in which you are incredibly fucked up due to the 12 % booze intake and then are unable to sleep due to the fucknormous amount of caffine you have just consumed. When you "wake" up in the morning you will be getting double penetrated by the two guys you took home with you because you were so fucked up or be puking your guts out or borderline seizuring because you are shaking so hard. let me correct myself for a moment, its a quadruple penetration in a can. but it does fuck you up. have fun with the gangbang. love four loko.
Four loko? are you fucking kidding me? i saw my neighborhood bum drinking that yesterday!
by koshersexjew September 16, 2010
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A 23.5oz beverage that is 12.0% ABV. Falls into the "alcopop" category of alcoholic beverages for combining energy drink flavor with enough shit to get you pretty fucked up.

One FOUR Loko will get you pretty fucked up.

Drinking three in one night will kill anyone under 200lbs.
You got some FOUR Loko? Shiiyit, nigga we gonna get FUCKED UP! Wait, what the fuck, is that your 2nd one? Holy shit, dude.
by whythefuckdidIdrink2 February 28, 2010
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Website created by college students to broadcast the amazing drunk stories that come out of a night with Four Loko or any other type of alcohol
Yo I got hammered off loko and streaked at a little league baseball game, so I posted my story on The Loko List at
by The Loko Legend November 17, 2010
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Four Loko is the devil in a can symptoms include hallucinations, passing out, fire breathing, drowning without being in water, random dancing
by Atrends February 2, 2016
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An alcoholic beverage that is designed to replicate the original formula (caffeinated) Four Loko. Most recipes produce a drink that is 12% alcohol. Common ingredients include vodka, light beer, energy drinks, and fruit-flavored powdered drink mixes. Commonly served in empty 24 oz drink cans to recreate the original Loko.
I got so fucked up after drinking three cans of Faux Loko at the party last night!
by Four Loko Frat Guy October 27, 2022
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A mixed drink popularized by New Jersey suburbanites that contains one part Four Loko to one part soy milk.
Hey Johnny, you and the boys wanna swing through and pregame with some soy lokos?
by syrupjoe1 January 17, 2012
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The official drink of blacked out obnoxious bitches
Stupid Bitch #1: I feel like falling down the stairs and ruining the party tonight

Stupid Bitch #2: We should get some Four Loko's. That way we can talk shit about how much we can drink and then pass out after we drink half of one
by PaBRO EscBRObar September 21, 2010
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