1. A four legged reptile with external ear openings and movable eyelids. Some lizards can change color in response to their enviroment such as the Chameleon and Anole. Most lizards are harmless to humans, only very large ones such as the Komodo dragon can kill or injury you. Lizards feed on insects and plants. Most lay eggs but some give birth to live young. They are well known for being able to regrown lost tails and limbs.

The most popular lizards sold as pets are Iguanas, Bearded Dragons, Leopard Geckos, and Monitor Lizards to name a few. They require more care then most exotic pets and need their cages cleaned frequently.

2. Someone who tries to move in on your sweetheart when you're not around. AKA Birddog.
1. I enjoy watching the lizards play in the garden.

2. He's a lizard, he is moving in on Rick's girlfriend.
by OneBadAsp October 22, 2006
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An awesome animal; scaley changes colour and comes in a variety of colours and shapes!
Jerk: Hey! You love lizard! You suck!
Me: Lizards are so cool!
Jerk: *is stupid*
Me: Your stupid!
by Bayou Bob February 5, 2005
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A hip new slang word for cool or epic.
Bro that’s totally lizard
by Bosskman March 11, 2019
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the non-sexual act (similar to hugging) that often happens between friends, lovers, or any other acquaintances, or any inanimate object that involves flicking your tongue back and forth against theirs.
Person A: On a scale of 1 to 10, how much do you want to lizard me right now?
Person B: 5...HUNDRED!!
by Sax Kitten October 24, 2010
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A male who prostitutes himself to other males, see Jadakiss's "Why" remix
"Why did McGreevey get caught with a lizard?"
by TBO August 26, 2004
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A derogatory term used for hookers that hang out at truck stops.
CB conversation: Breaker Breaker 19, does anyone know of any lizards hangin out on I-18.
by Ray February 6, 2003
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Edmonton Alberta slang word used for cigarette
" Yo give me a pull on that hot lizard "
" I call duece on that lizard "
" How's that lizard treating you? "
by Mike sweeny October 11, 2007
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