This task involves not only dexterity and concentration, but fortitude and omnipotence. Although it may only be performed at the bed of the Tigress and Euphrates rivers, the successful performance of such a task grants one eternal companionship with lord Hades.

The Task:

1. Dab thy finger with Dijon mustard. (Must be Dijon)

2. Prepare thy lady for a sweep of the vaginal innards.

3. The Round About, sweep thy arm in a clockwise fashion with the dexterity of 1000 Gazelles in the direction of thy female clit button.

4. Contact! Graze the flesh of the young mistress at a 56 degree angle to create enough friction, to burn the young lamb shank.

5. Continue thy motion in a seamless flow. The ladies Clit Command Center has now suffered an extreme loss of epidermal surface and central control.

6. Finish by bellowing " your flesh will beckon within the chambers of hell my lady,"

7. Wash your hands.
ex. Upon gathering fruit at the bed of the Tigress river, a feline dwarf approached pleading for a gift. Of course I responded by performing the Lithuanian Clit Brush Burn A.K.A Clit Bomb
by EskapadeMus March 13, 2011
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The act of giving a woman the shocker during sex while having un maintained fingernails, resulting in a torn orifice ( usually the rectum )
We had been camping all week and I gave this hippy chick the shocker in the woods, my fingernails were pretty long and it ended up being a Lithuanian Shocker!
by RobotScientist June 27, 2022
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A gang of Lithuanians are people who chill in flats eat sunflower seed and drink alchahol and smoke.
Lithuanian gangs are slavs
by Geocbdhso November 2, 2021
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When semen forms bubbles within the penis until its eventual eruption.
Uh oh! Here comes my Lithuanian Lava Lamp!
by purplelvmbo September 25, 2017
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proud people that know they are better than everyone else

they also hate the Irish
Lithuanian people will get your phone number even when you didn't ask them
by Special child15 November 11, 2021
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The act of inserting one's cranium within their partner's vagina. They then stand up, imitating a skyscraper.
"I can see my house thanks to this Lithuanian Skyscraper!"
"*Muffled noises*"
by Nut_meme February 6, 2018
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