An Asian who STARES at girls, and blames it on them when he gets a meme, even when they're grounded.
Josh Larkin totally was looking at me
by AHDJNAJND April 30, 2019
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a word only used by those who are familiar with Sky Larkin... used to describe something that is new but has already earned a right to be considered experienced, talented, etc. --- A NOOB THAT IS NOT A NOOB.
that chick is totally sky larkin in the pool room.
by stencil August 8, 2006
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When two gay males are having anal sex and the pitcher cums in the takers ass and then the pitcher pisses in the takers ass to clean out all the cum out of the ass hole.
"Hey Dave can i give you a Golden Larkin?" "Yea Joe i want that so bad i want my ass hole clean."
by Joe H. Larkin September 12, 2008
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Ghetto ass fuck. Crack head students and teachers. Corny as a mofo. Worst school ever. They all spread rumors
Girl 1: I go to larkin high school
Girl 2: oof
by Bootyhold October 12, 2019
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