Kody is the most wonderful caring warm person with the most magical blue eyes in the world! there is no bad side of a kody, he makes you feel warm and safe. He is easy to fall in love with, he knows how to make a girl feel beautiful and loved. He is loved very much by many but probably alot more by one particular gal.

Kodys are best suited for a Nikki.
Kody and Nikki are very cute.
Nikki and Kody are soo good together.
Kody's hot.
by aug081909 February 3, 2011
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He is a sexy mofo that fucks heaps of girls he's da man he is kind hearted and has a huge dick hands down lidget lol he is perfect at fingering
by Dnebe January 5, 2018
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The most sexy guy ever! He lives in Lampman and his brothers are also pretty fine, but nothing compared to him! He is so perfect and ANY girl would be lucky to have him! and he knows how to treat a lady.
Damn Kody is F-I-N-E!
by *9* April 18, 2006
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Very very rare. ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. All the time. The most gorgeous guy I've ever seen. The best boyfriend in the whole world. A huge sweetie, very loving. Dark hair/eyes. Big feet. Big hands :D Big uhm, nvm. He knows how to treat a girl. Very respectful & kind. Everybody loves him. Waaay way too nice. Very good with little kids. Gonna make a good daddy someday (: nice ass. Tall dark & handsome. Good style. Flawless. And my kind of perfect <3 he's my edward ! & i'm his bella.
Kodie is my boy toy :D
by ♥love, you're girlfriend. ♥ February 15, 2010
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Someone who usually gets gay pranks played on them. Normally starts to cry and scream autistically after said pranks. Also has no dad.
"man did you see what i did to kody last night? He's gonna be thinking of my cock for days!"
by Not Geek October 19, 2018
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He makes an amazing boyfriend, he will love you no matter what, he will be there for you. He is also very good at sports, super smart and likes a good challenge. He is tough and will put up a fight. He is a little sensitive but lives his family. although he has been through a lot and is still going through things he has such a soft spot for the ones he loves and cares about. if you have a Kody in your life don't let him go trust me
Kody is my king.
by Anonymous1234567890-0987654323 December 7, 2020
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yo thats my vro over der yeah kody oooooh shit he just stole ur hippo nigga
by GANGNIGA July 31, 2019
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