Even tho this band is abit tooo mainstreem for indie they tend to hold the flag for indies aroundthe uk (specialy the North !!)and as they said:
That lyric says it all for indie.
And if you dont know what band wrote that then your not indie !
Girl: wana go primark and get some new jeans?
Indie kid: eww no primarks for chavs, topshop !!
by yessmayyte January 27, 2008
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Indie Kids are essentially the anti-emo.The Indie Kid is at war with the emo because the scum of the earth stole our Converse and made it a symbol of being a twat who likes to take 20 million self shots in the bathroom while covering one of their eyes with their over conditioned hair. Unlike the rather good-looking shoe that it once was.

Another difference between Indie Kid's and Emo's is that we are usually happy, whereas an emo would probably be crying on his own in a dark corner. The main reason we stay happy is because our music does not tell us to slit our wrists or pile on the burdens of other people.

Indie Kids are called Indie Kids because of the music they listen to. Not because of the clothes they wear.

Indie is also it's own genre of music. Not a sub-genre of rock. Although many bands have chose to form cross-over genres.
Indie Kid: Just listened to some Pegasus Bridge. OMG those guys make me happy.

Emo: Just listened to My Chemical Romance. I might just go kill myself.
by CraigMabbitIsAWhore June 4, 2012
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An indie kid is so individual that they spend their time alone in their "individual" room, Listening to all their "individual Music" Through Their large oversized "individual Headphones" whilst looking up their "individual" clothing websites, whilst brushing their individually styled hair, which they got cut at that really "original" hairdressers behind their local individual bookstore.
they're that individual (:
Those Ultra "Indie Kids" You See In Topman.
by Dynamite Napoleon May 8, 2008
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Indie kids are witty, intelligent kids that wear vintage clothing and like to differ from the norm. I'm not going to give examples of what they wear, because that pretty much defeats the purpose. They wear what they want, and don't give a shit what you think.

Indies are generally happy people, mainly because their music makes you feel like spinning around in a cirle while a smiling man in a white suit throws confetti at you. Indies are very un-emo due to this, and are constantly waging a war with the over-styled emo masses due to the fact that emos stole Converse.

Their attitudes are fickle, and can be passed off as pretentious or rude if you don't get to know them. The guy or girl that stands out and acts like he's better than you, occasionally throwing out a sarcastic comment or two, will usually just be a shy indie not used to being around the wave of pop-culture-people.
Pop-kid: Look at her, she's such a bitch.
Pop-kid 2.0: I know. What's her problem?
Indie Guy: Lay off, she's just a shy Indie Kid.
by Maddiii August 10, 2006
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time to straighten this whole difference between scenexcore and indie kids.
ok. scenesters usually tend to all follow a strict code of behavior, totally limiting creative license on everything they do. Indie kids, on the other hand, don't always have to take pride in listening to obscure bands, but simply find solace in music that they enjoy.
scenxcore is a lifestyle, which has evolved into a self-superior state of mind that encompasses dressing simply for shock value, taking multiple pictures of oneself, and conforming to "scenexcore" code of law.
Indie kids, on the other hand, are generally, tolerant of other lifestyles, as long as they promote freedom and creative license. Indie kids feel comfortable around others and are not world-hating narcisists.
Thus, we have discovered the difference between scenexcore and indie.
-a conversation between an indie kid and a scene kid-

{scenexcorekid1} dude- last i styled my hair for 3 hours then asked my other friend how scene i looked

{indiekid1} learn some behavioral freedom and stop buying into the social scene!

{scenexcorekid1} i just wanted to look cool *runs away*

by 123sam456789 November 4, 2006
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Category of person; better than emo.

Usually if an indie kid asks you if you like a band you will have not have heard of the band. Indie kids could usually name five hundred bands you've never heard of without breaking a sweat.

There is an underlying war between the indie kids and the emo's this will be because they one. attempted to steal there dress sense but then turn it all black. two. took converse off them. three. made people which are neither an indie kid or emo think that they are one of the same. the indie kids do not like this as they are obviously far superior with better dress sense, hair styles, lifestyles and obviously music taste than the emos.

indie kids may not like to use the word 'indie' to describe themselves anymore as it has been stolen by corporate sellouts who now claim that bands such as embrace, snow patrol and keane are indie.

if you thought that those bands were indie until you read that sentence you are not indie.

indie kids care about they way they look; they just don't go on about it. in fact they probably spend as much time on there appearance as they do seeking out unknown bands.

they can be found at local gigs that only cost about £4 to get into or at the bigger indie gigs which cost at most about £9 to get into.

indie are the anti-emo. indie are not close to emo... one major difference is that indie kids have better hair.
indie yuppie: i like indie. i was listening to embrace earlier.
indie kid: that's not indie. that is what the capitalists have wrapped up nicely and put into a carefully manfuactured package with a big stamp on it saying 'indie' which does not make it indie. go listen to bromheads jacket.
indie yuppie: who..?
indie kid: ....don't even talk to me.
by indie kidette April 22, 2006
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Mainly teenagers who all share a common love for the arts and music. They listen to many bands most people haven't heard of and tend to dress however they want, usually ruling out the rules of fashion. One may see these "indie kids" in a local coffee shop, art gallery, or thrift store. These people aren't "emo". They also tend to wear warm neutral tones as opposed to black. They are fairly reserved and tend to be open minded as well as opinionated.
here are some examples of what indie kids look like and listen to:


by Elisa Execution November 10, 2008
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