Internet Penis, you lie about your penis size on the net or on chatrooms
hey baby, my IP is 50 inches!
by Itsalloso July 11, 2008
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ips can be defined in the following:
Spencer heard clapping while walking that’s the moment they found out they have immaculate pussy syndrome

Lance tried to get out of bed but fell to the ground, they couldn’t walk, that’s how they found out they have immaculate penis syndrome
by Friskkkkk November 25, 2020
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turi ip ip ip
ip ip ip ip tsha ik
ip tura ip ik

eugh eugh isha ik turisha
turi ip ip ip
ip ip ip ip tsha ik
ip tura ip ik

eugh eugh isha ik turisha
#memes #turi ip ip ip
by GABRIALD May 30, 2022
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is a cool trending meme that was made in 2022. Can also help describe song that it came from.
"Hey whats your favorite song?"
"idk the one that goes like turi ip ip ip"
"oh ok"
by aggr3tsuk0 June 8, 2022
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A dildo coated in fish and chips. Is very good for performing the Parham
Thanks dad this ips the best present ever
by Eduardo January 6, 2005
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