one who hates,instigates,and agitates with hopes to see a playa fall....but 4 every thousand haters there's a real nigga
"That nigga told my lady i was cheatin....but fuck him he'z just a Hater...."
by LiL hYfee April 3, 2006
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A hater is a person who hates on a person for no conceivable reason, just hates, no opinions needed.

A hater is not...

1. A person with justifiable reason to hate someone.
2. A Person who expresses true opinion, or justifiable dislike for something(a music artist, band, singer, etc)

Hater is a word often over used by the youth of today as a defense mechanism when you down their favorite rapper, singer or band. The word "hater" is often mislabeled as people with honest or differing opinions from what's popular today. Most people of generation y can't take opinion or know how to form opinions, just to dick ride what ever they hear on the radio now days.
Example of a hater
Guy 1 - "Man fuck Drake, he sucks, he's lame"
Guy 2 - "Why?"
Guy 1 - "Because he just does"

Example of a person with a opinion
Guy 1 - "I don't like Drake's music, he's average at best, and he's honestly not my type of music"
Guy 2 - "Hater !"
Guy 1 - "Why? Because I have an opinion differing from yours"
by RolphSemensDickOvensUWIDI February 23, 2010
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A person who searches somebody on YouTube / MySpace / FaceBook / Urbandictionary ... for the sole purpose of slamming on them . Like , seriously , get a life . A LOT of people slam on Justin Bieber (for example) , George Bush the band BoTdF - ( Dahvie Vanity and Jayy Vonn Monroe ) The people who "hate" on the the celebrities are usually just jealous , and have no real reason not to like that specific person . A common one is "Justin Bieber sings like a girl... he's such a faggot." Like , fuck guys ... thats not even a valid reason to say that he would be a homosexual ... (Click on the tags to see some PRIME examples of haters)
Scene Girl 1: OMG! Did you hear Blood On The Dance Floors new sinqle .?! Its so fqkn amazinqq !

Scene Girl 2: Oh Em Geee - Hellz Yeah !!! I luhhf BoTdF . They make my Lifee !

Hater who overheard: Blood on the dancefloor are faggots because girls like them, and they sing about having sex with girls, so they are OBVIOUSLY gay... stupid scenies.

Me: Go to hell, you stupid fucking hater - listen to what you just said... suck a dick .
by I<3DahvieVanity February 14, 2011
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Hater- noun hickey or love bite intentionally marked on someone else's body part to claim them.
Hating- verb A person intentionally (hating) sucking on someones body part leaving a bruise-like mark also known as a hickey (more than likely on the neck because it would be hard conceal and will be easily seen) on their lover to "claim ownership" ,that they're in a relationship, messing with somebody, or to show the recipient of the "hater" is cheating on their girlfriend or boyfriend.
Friend:Damn that's a big Hater!!
Guy: Yo, my girl gave me this big ass hater on my neck last night so I won't be able to holla at other females!

Girl:My dip(guy on the side) hated on me hard as hell last night! I got three huge hickeys/haters on my neck. I don't want my boyfriend to find out I'm cheating on him

You left a hater on me last night
You were sucking so hard on my neck last night I got haters all over my neck my mom will flip out
by pookiestorm January 20, 2011
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1. A person who talks down on other people’s accomplishments from a biased or somewhat unlogical viewpoint usually because of jealousy,envy or other possible reasons
2. A person who does not like a person or something being done, but cannot provide valid or logical reasoning for why they do not like it or the person
1 “aye did you hear Derrick is now starting varsity”, “Derrick is trash why would he ever be starting varsity”, “why you gotta be hater we can all eat”
2 “aye why don’t you like Derrick”, “idk I just don’t like him”, “That’s some shit a hater would say”
by Megafaggot44 February 10, 2020
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A person who often calls out the flaws of another person's looks or behaviors, when there is no reason to do so.

A person who hates another person out of jealousy or lack of confidence.

People who hate on unneccessary terms.
Why did you call her that? Your just being a hater!
by Sadlytrue92 February 15, 2020
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A person who dislikes your particular taste and goes out of their way to justify it.
Norris, Tim and Brandon have no taste in foods. They are natural born haters.
by Daddy 106 Longstroke March 28, 2018
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