A double standard based more on somebody's personal negative feelings than on fairness.
Lindsay the supervisor would order people she hated to do more work than everyone else (move the goalposts on them) and was quicker to try and get them fired if she hated them (a negative feeling towards them she would always deny having or say someone else felt that way if asked simply, plainly, and directly) whether they did their jobs as well as everyone else or not. She lived by the same kind of selective double standard she would always try and poke fun at others for having.
by The Original Agahnim November 13, 2021
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An action that is excusable for white people but unequivocally condemned for non-whites.
The white double standard:
White extremists: "Those are just a few bad apples who probably have mental illness".

Muslim extremists: "All muslims should take responsibility for these attacks and we need to ban all of them from entering the country."
by jtiger August 19, 2017
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If a male was try and make a female wear (or not wear) a striped shirt, it would be called sexism, but if a female makes her husband wear the stupid fucking shirt, it's not called anything, they don't even have a name to call it.
People that like to poke fun at a double standard, but don't like anyone noticing their own never made a name to call a female that makes her husband wear a shirt.
by The Original Agahnim November 25, 2021
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Nothing he/she did was ever lecherous, but if some else did the same thing as him/her, it was called lechery. No amount of celebration was excessive enough for him/her, and it was never called gloating when he/she did it, but if somebody else did it, it was always called gloating. He/she never did anything by a double standard, but was quick to try and tease or poke fun at the double standards of others.
by The Original Agahnim December 16, 2021
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The one where if a dude claimed he got raped people wouldn't hesitate to question or laugh about his suffering/trauma, but if a female claims she got raped, people are expected to cry, march, protest, beat, kill, or a cut somebody's dick off for her, go to war, do something about it is one you don't hear about much from feminists. No wonder they keep so much power that way.
You tend to hear a feminist pick at the double standards that make them look brave, strong, and heroic more than you tend to hear about the ones that make them look cowardly, pathetic, and weak. Males don't have that luxury, despite all their push for what they think equality is. Their view of equality is that males have it made, and it's an unrealistic view.
by The Original Agahnim July 24, 2021
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A standard that works one way for one person or group, and another for a different person or group.
The reckless and careless girl that got in several severe accidents while driving intoxicated on ambien and alchohol or just drunk (and also got her dog hospitalized due to negligence) was the one posting public service announcements on all the electronic signs on a roadway about how people should drive safely or go to jail, drive drunk and lose their license, or to stay hydrated and not drive drowsy or sleepy, or preaching against cruelty to animals while asking for donations on TV ads. That's a lot like a mayor being on crack and having people arrested for smoking weed or any other drugs for that matter. Some people can poke fun at the double standard of another human and judge them, but don't want to get judged in return, they tell you don't judge me when they judge as much as everybody else.
by The Original Agahnim November 17, 2021
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