A word used after a stupid joke, or stupid slapstick. It was first used in the South Park episode "The Succubus," but popularized by later episodes. Commonly used to refer to jokes in Rob Schneider movies.
Rob Schneider derp da derp! Then, derp da derp ta tittily tum.
by Sue Don M. December 2, 2007
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A literary or spoken phrase that combines elements of "WTF" and "cool story bro". Laced with condescension "derp" is a common form of web-based libel that is almost didactic; however not quite as it is generally a sardonic gesticulation rather than moralistic chastisement. The spoken sense of the world itself conveys an intrinsic feeling of disappointment with a subtle hint of disgust and an overtone of rebuke.
Joel: "I'm a lyrical genius!"
Devon: "Derp."
by Jove Lenod December 6, 2011
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One who, in an argument, takes a position, and when that position is destroyed by evidence and well-reasoned argument, acts as if the reasoned argument never happened, instead sticking to his original position while resorting to logical fallacies such as bad math, unwarranted assumptions, appeals to emotion, wishful thinking, false and deliberately misleading data and analysis, or ad-hominem attacks on his opponents. One who argues in bad faith.
Paul Ryan is a derp.

Salim Furth is derpy. Can put links here, search on yes-europe-really-is-in-the-throes-of-austerity

Avik Roy exhibits derpitude. Search New Republic. Search also Krugman blog bad-faith-and-civility-health-care-edition: "If someone says the sky is green, you prove that it’s actually blue, and the next day he comes back once again insisting that the sky is green, and this happens repeatedly, you eventually have to acknowledge that mannerly debate about the color of the sky just isn’t enough; you have to go meta, and talk about the fact that this guy and his friends just aren’t in the business of honest discussion."
by H. Rider Haggard June 7, 2013
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a person who acts strange,weird, and/or random, usually quite fun to be around due to the fact that this person is an oddball and does and/or says interesting things.
derp: -randomly shouts in the middle of the sidewalk- "Who put this beaver in my pillowcase!!!!"

-friends laugh and giggle-
by chaosweapon1 March 13, 2011
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1, an exclaimation made after a moment of incredible stupidity or massive failure.

2, a facial expression with crazy eyes and a stupid lip.

3, when accompanied by a " :3 " indicates happy moment, or blushing with out making the user feel as stupid as they would if they wrote *blush*
guy 1 "she's fiiiiiiine, think I'll get any tonight?"

guy 2 "she's a lesbian."

by omnomnomkittiez January 8, 2011
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the sound muttered, spoken, and/or by some mumbled after an instantaneous moment of extreme stupidity.
Super Market: you're an idiot.
you: derp derp derp.
by THEKOOLKAT July 25, 2010
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durp A silly word to be used in silly context, such as at the end of a stupid joke, to emphasize intentional stupidity or ignorance.
"A durp a durp a durp-de durp!" or
"It's not 6:45, it's quarter to 7:00... DURP!!!!"
by Shitnutz November 21, 2003
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