Man.. Tom is being a dick! I'm going to give him the upper decker before we bail!
by BigL830 August 18, 2017
When you poop in the toilet tank, toilet seat, floor, as well in the air vent.
"Hey bro my friend on a discord call is looking for all the deckers on urban dictionary"

"Oh cool, don't forget to tell him about the quadruple decker!"
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The more-merciful relative of the dreaded Upper Decker.

A Faux Decker is executed by:

1) Opening the rear tank of a toilet and dropping in a piece of novelty rubber dog poop;

2) Pouring in 1/2 cup (120mL) of instant iced tea mix into the tank as well;

3) Replace the lid and leave the Faux Decker for the next unsuspecting victim.

Upon flushing the toilet, a brown stew will be unleashed, horrifying the user and leading them to open the rear tank...only to see the fake poop and surmise they have been struck with an Upper Decker.

The Faux Decker is a more sanitary prank than the insidious Upper Decker, but you get almost the same shock-value from the Faux Decker as you would the original.
Dude 1: "I pranked my Mom on April Fool's Day with a Faux Decker!"

Dude 2: "Why a Faux Decker not an original Upper Decker?"

Dude 1: "DUDE, she's my Mom! I wanted to freak her out, not make her disown me!!"
by FunkPumpkin October 4, 2011
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Yo last night I took an upper decker in Jim’s toilet!
by FamousJew October 29, 2020
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To leave an Upper Decker in the toilet tank, and to leave a Floater in the bowl. This can either be a two-man job, or performed by a single person who breaks his payload into two segments. The result is that the water in the bowl will be brown, and the water that comes from the tank during a flush will also be brown.
An upper decker wasn't enough for that place, so for good measure I left a double decker.
by inmatarian February 4, 2008
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Getting Rejected to a social event or just getting rejected in general
Jonathan was rejected by Elizabeth to go to prom. Everybody laughed at him saying he was Deckered
by Robbiefan December 30, 2011
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The act of defecating into the upper tank of a domestic toilet.
When they started playing charades, I took an upper decker and made a quick exit.
by afokenr March 26, 2003
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