a boy that is sweet, kind, loving, and amazing. He is handsome. He has abs and muscles, usually has a bunch of hoes. So if you come across Coy Hackney, keep him forever.
Leanna broke up with Coy Hackney and won't tell anyone why.
I am in love with Coy Hackney.
by molldog360 November 20, 2018
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Adjective- what to call a male who takes on typical 'female' signs of flirting (ie: playing hard to get, being coy, etc.)
I can't take it! He said he liked me and now he's being all boy coy.
by My Hibachi July 23, 2006
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Dirty Coy is when two men are having sex and they each insert a koi Fish in each others anus and take turns being the submissive. Then they shit out their respective koi and have sushi for dinner.
Bro those to guys used the fish from your koi pond when they did the dirty coy!
by Lee Derange September 27, 2019
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To be perceived as naïve while in reality you are being ignorant at someone else's expense. Usually for entertainment purposes.
Playing "dumb"
"I was just playing coy earlier when I yelled at you to get back to work. I knew you were on your lunch break."
by Dynamaux September 21, 2015
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some girl who makes baby noises, calls it rapping, and makes millions. people who think shes good and listen to her music are often insane.
jerry: yo mike whos ur favorite rapper?
michael: coi leray, her music smacks bro
jerry: *screams and runs away*
by val:( October 3, 2021
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One of the absolute worst rappers to ever exist. That is why all of her shows are dry as fuck unless it is that one good song she made with Lil Durk. She is so trash that on her XXL freestyle she knew that it was trash so she tried twerking to get her redemption but she has no ass at all. Overall a fucking clown.
Person 1: Hey have you heard of that new rapper Coi Leray

Person 2: Nigga i hope you don’t enjoy listening to her trash ass

Person 1: Bro who do you think i am listening to that piece of garbage!
by Broken Boi Boi Boi September 26, 2021
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Someone whom is very alluring and using their mysteriousness to subdue others. They are very shy, yet bold. They have no rhyme, rhythm or flow.

They only follow three rules.....

1) Many people pursue them, but they only burn with desire for one person.

2) They NEVER make a move to initiate sex and play coy to the very end, no matter what.

3) They are very private and only allow the one person they desire to hang out alone with them, everyone else is not worth their time (this does not apply to family members or friends with no sexual desires for them)
The coy master is an enigma to me, I love them but I am just not sure if they love me. What if I make a move and they reject me? When I am by them I tremble, shake and my knees buckle. I am head over heels in love.
by ZMVS May 6, 2017
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