To program. To devise computer solutions that use algorithms and some programing language.
I've been writing a lot of code for the e-commerce application.
by Adolfo J. Peña February 1, 2004
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A ska band with high standards for political movements. They seem to believe that people should do what is right despite what the governments tells you to do. They are a really hard core band with many noble political viewpoints.
At one of their shows, they had pamphlets about animal cruelty and they mentioned the Patriot act. Some of their songs are Know your Enemy, Unity, Break the Silence.
by Seabud June 5, 2005
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a follower of the code must be a bro head to toe they must lax party and slay hood rats if you complete all three tasks daily... code
Laxer 1: bro I was so wasted last night i slayed like six or seven hood rats

Laxer 2: Code
by $L4Y3R June 21, 2010
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In New jersey, code A means to walk fast for someone has just passed gas....
Code a people.....i just farted said jose to natalie
by Jose Barbosa March 3, 2008
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to go into cardiac arrest, to cease breathing and circulation. This term is often used by healthcare professionals
The guy coded before we arrived at the hospital
by EMSHB November 10, 2014
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