A regular guy who was so lucky to find his soulmate his Taejah he's a guy who would joke around a lot and someone who would make a lot of mistakes but he will always put everything he has in his heart into the one he loves no matter what
1) Wow isn't that Clarence hickerson?
by clarence hickerson May 13, 2022
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He’s next up in the game, they can’t stop him
Clarence speaking: “The Cleaver !”-Clarence the Cleaver
by GinRummy27 February 27, 2022
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verb -- to place a pubic hair on a beverage container -- usualy done as a prank. Named after the United States Supreme Court Justice who allegedly held up a can of Coke and asked "who has put a pubic hair on my Coke?" to the woman (Anita Hill) he supervised and was harrassing sexually.
Bob pranked me bad last night by ordering 20 pizzas delivered to my room, but I got him back by Clarence Thomasing his Dr. Pepper at lunch.
by sguire May 18, 2013
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clarence-creek is a super awesome town with super sick people. it is known for its amazing people and its nice roads.
it can also be known as Clemens-creek
clarence-creek is where all the people hangout
by proclemens October 31, 2011
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A hot and handsome guy that is addicted to drinking bleach and love Gundam.
I want to fuck clarence phoon
by RCKOS February 6, 2020
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Def 1: A Clarence and Priya is a commonly used term for a relationship that goes all the way from uni sweethearts through to marriage.

Def 2: A Clarence and Priya is also commonly used to describe finding your soul mate.

Def 3: Also used to represent the word love or adoration
Def 1: Are Bob and Belinda still together?

Yer they did a Clarence and Priya

Def 2: I have found my Clarence and Priya

Def 3: "Do you like me?" "I Clarence and Priya you"
by streetview March 24, 2010
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