When small children drop cheerios all over the floor and an adult later steps on one. Instead of exploding like a landmind, you hear a crunch and the cheerio turns to a fine powder that is almost impossible to clean up without a vacuum.
Heather: "Anna please eat your cheerios in the chair!!!"

Anna: "OK Mommy!" (Running off with cheerios in hand to see what is outside leaving a trail of cheerios.)

Tom: (Wakes from sleep, another long night of taking care of the screaming kids) "Oh I am so tired.." CRUNCH "Oh damn it, I just stepped on a cheerio landmine. Get the vacuum!!! ANNNNAAAAA!!!!!!"
by tpwhite49 August 24, 2012
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A male penis so small that it would be able to fit thru the hole of a cheerio.
A friend asked another how the date went that a matchmaking service arranged and the response was " It seemed promising untill he showed his cheerio dick to me right there in the bar.
by jpg3 October 28, 2011
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A family that is composed of interracial couples who are or likely to have children that share some physical features of each parent. It could be a mix of anything, African American and White, White and Asian, Middle Eastern and Indian, Indian and Asian, African American and Native, Indian and Latino, ...etc.

The term arose recently in the social media as used by Megan Hatcher-Mays in JEZEBEL in response to many retards who gone re-retarded after watching a Cheerios advertisement that showed an interracial family (Caucasian mother and African American father) and their multiracial/Biracial looking daughter. Some disgusting people on Youtube reacted repulsively against the Interracial and Biracial cutlure; as a result Cheerios had to delete and disable comments on YouTube where the video was posted.
- Walmart customer: Hey Kevin, call the security quick, looks like that Black nanny is kidnapping that kinda dark skin Asian kid.
- Friend of Walmart customer: No you stupid Dumbass retard, they could be just a Cheerios Family! Didn't you see that Cheerios Ad on T.V. to know that interracial couples exist!
- Walmart Customer: WTF is Cheerios Family?
- Friend of Walmart customer: Dude, calm down, when you go home, open your computer and search Cheerios Family on Urban Dictionary.
by Allawee June 2, 2013
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an Armenian term referring to someone who is fresh off the boat. Is new. (FOB)
Your such a cheerios.
by mcsteamy101 January 12, 2018
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An anus or butthole covered in fecal matter.

I just took a HUGE dump and my chocolate cheerio really hurts!

Hey did you get laid last night?
Hell yeah, the bitch let me put it in her chocolate cheerio!
by MattyBoomBoom June 11, 2008
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An anus, otherwise known as a baloon knot.
I like putting my man milk onto a leather cheerio.
by shinebox March 15, 2003
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When your girl is laying down and you reverse tea bag her, you leave a Dirty Cheerio on her forehead.
Apparently I didn't wipe good enough, because when I tea bagged my girl I left a Dirty Cheerio on her forehead.
by Fart_Master7 March 25, 2009
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