1. leather pants worn by gays and motorcycle enthusiasts.
2. word meaning friend usually spoken in a painfully exaggerated 17th century british urchin accent.
1. gay dudes wear leather chaps
2. How are you today ol' chap?
by odd_jackal October 7, 2003
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said when one is feeling annoyed, rubbed the wrong way, etc.
Madison: "I think Dairy Queen is closed today..."
Tucker: "Chaps."
by madisoncheye March 5, 2015
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Used when something bad happens, or is going to happen.
Teacher: "You all have a 5 page essay due by tomorrow when you walk into class."

Student 1 to Student 2: "Bro, I'm bouta fuckin' fail this shit."

Student 2: "Dude, I know right. It's so chap."
by mystummyhurt August 17, 2018
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When its fucking cold.
"it's so fucking chaps that my dick is like a fucking stalagtite"
by Alex Kempton March 8, 2007
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when a girl has shaved her genitalia without shaving her legs
Women from the Conga frequently sport chaps.
by The Velour Fog September 5, 2006
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A crunchy treat often eaten as a snack or school lunch.

7 steps to be a chap

Be editable
Have carbs
Dont be a cham (soft chap)
Dont be a champ (sandwhich(etc) chap)
Be solid
Be crunchy
Be munchy

Bread can be considered a soft chap.
Common examples: Potato chips, corn chips, crackers, dorito chips, pie crust, cookies, tarts, and some breads.

"Would you like some of my chaps?"
by TheChapMaster September 5, 2018
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To smack someone in the back of the neck, so it loudly makes a snapping sound
I chapped him so hard he still has a mark on his neck.
by Sandboxkidyoungster September 13, 2018
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