the correct abbreviation for "eyeballs" as opposed to the common mistake of using "eyes"
Teacher: Now students, I want your balls on me.
*students continue talking*
Teacher: No talking! Put your balls on my face right now!

Tom: ah, its so bright outside
Paul: yeah, the sun is right in my balls!

Gage: My eyelid's are gone!
Paul: that means your balls will be showing all the time!
by darksideofthepaul July 11, 2008
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A less obscene way of saying, "fuck that". An expression of laziness and lack of enthusiasm/interest to do what is asked.
"Stop lazing about and do some god damn work!"

"...Balls to that."
by Dedguy August 2, 2009
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More popular in the UK, this phrase is used to show disgust or apathy towards something, represented by the 'it'. Similar to fuck it or screw it in the US.
Person 1: Shouldn't we pick up our garbage?
Person 2: Balls to it.

They leave the garbage.
by Ambrosius February 22, 2011
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phrase said when something sucks, or is crappy.
alba: where's your key?
elizabeth: i lost it.
alba: that costs 70 dollars to replace!
elizabeth: that's balls!
by elizabethandalba December 22, 2008
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Big, soft, squishy, delicate, and important spherical-ish organs that hang a couple inches below a male's penis. They are kept in a nut sack to regulate the cooler temperature that they need to create sperm. If you hit them on a guy, it is very painful. Guys usually like it when girls feel them and rub them and suck on them.
Oh man, Jenna sucked my balls today and it felt sooo good.
by Bananaandbeans September 5, 2012
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Can be used in place of Fuck, shit,crap or damnit to express anger, disappointment, disgust, etc.
Teacher: "Alright kids, time for a pop quiz."
Billy: "BALLS!!!"

"Sarah's a terrible cook, her meatloaf tasted like balls"
by J Rock March 23, 2005
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