That haircut is gate man...
by Superguy November 6, 2003
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started out as "chalking 1 up". this is when someone states something funny. "chalking 1 up" is a tally and when someone receives 5, it becomes a people award gates instead of singular "chalks on the board".
by Sef October 4, 2003
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The huge stupid shit that the mummified arties did on Central Park.
You:Did you to see the Gates?
Me:ME?? why would i spend my evening looking at artless piece of crap?
by rhzx February 25, 2005
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12 of us went to dinner last night, the bill was over $200 we left the waitress a $10 tip, she got gated.
by ARGANOC February 22, 2008
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the gates, a rather famous art exhibit hitting the city of new york last winter, featuring large "saffron" panels of fabric on square frame, was most famous for its utter lack of point. While some art critics loved cristo's open-ended declaration of art, of allowing the viewers to make up their own meanings for the exhibit, others, and many civillians, were stuck by the utter meaninglessness of the project, as the pieces of fabric resembled lawn decorations.

also, more broadly, an example of anything utterly useless and ridiculous, on a grand scale.
I went to see the gates in central park last year, and didn't understand it.

This is as useless as the gates, man.
by antisan January 7, 2006
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A colloquialism for Forest Gate. At town in East London.
"I'll meet you at 9pm in Gate by the station"
by Michael Morgan-Abel June 7, 2007
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(v.) When a straight female tries to date a gay man
Collin: "Hey is Morgan single?"
Kelly: "No, she's gating Mike who is dating Steve."
by PeloFellow May 29, 2014
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