How many hours after a woman is dead you would have sex with her. If she has been dead for 10 hours she is a 10.
John: "Steve what the fuck are you doing she's been dead for 5 hours?"
Steve: "You're right she's a four at best"
~1-10 Female attractiveness scale~
by Casket and Craddle Robber August 29, 2016
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A horrible sexist way of rating women based on their outer beauty
Guy 1: Yo look at dat ass!
Guy 2: Man, come on. She's a 7
Guy 1: A 7? What do you mean?
Guy 2: On the 1-10 Female Attractiveness Scale. She's only a 7.
by August 29, 2016
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1) You look worse than medusa omg
2) not as bad but my eyes are still melting
3) getting there still fugly
4) if she was the last person on earth...
5) give or take
6) your cute
7) your fit
8) scared to talk to her
9) *erection*
10) excuse me for 20 minutes...
Man 1: dude my girl asked for a 1-10 female attractiveness scale rating what do I do?
Man 2: Tell her she's a 1 and run
by TheShadowOfThePhoenixPhantom August 27, 2016
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When you rate a females beauty from 1 to 10. 1 being butt ugly and 10 being a goddess.
The 1-10 female attractive scale

Amir: Have you seen Riley?

Carl: Yeah she's a solid 7.

Amir: I know right
by Big Daddy 28 September 27, 2016
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A 1-10 scale is generally used to rate a person, object, et cetera. This is used to express one's opinion about something in the scale of one to ten.
by Helen of Troye September 8, 2016
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The scale that measures female beauty and craziness. One being "wtf is that nasty ass thing" and 10 being "damn gurl you got a it going on"
Dude1:"hey I was thinking of asking beth out"
Dude2:"u must b tripping she like a 1 on the 1-10 female attractiveness scale. She so ugly there's no real proof she's female. That other girl is like a 9 have u seen dat ass"
by Meepette September 13, 2016
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