by Big Bill Will McCall April 22, 2021
The act of aiming only to wreck/spinning out the first place person in a racing video game; much like the spiked shell from Mario Kart. Often frowned upon and seen as immature.
John: Me and Mike spent all last night spiked shelling in Grid. We almost took out the whole field, one by one.
Greg: You're a douche. Grow up.
Greg: You're a douche. Grow up.
by Jerry the Racecar Driver October 20, 2009
A reference to young men who grow scruffy beards, wear their hair in a greasy and disheveled fashion and wear surplus military field jackets in an apparent attempt at duplicating the stereotypical media image of a traumatized war veteran.
That young twenty-something with the darting eyes and the spastic movements whom I saw sitting in front of the English department seems to be affecting quite an elaborate shell sham.
by takarakujiniatatta April 16, 2010
What I call "Shell Motorsport", a pretty decent and underrated game on the Google Play Store, car go vroom vroom, yada yada yada you get it
by CirleGuy January 22, 2023
A removable structure on the deck of a scallop boat used to house deckhand as they shell scallops. It is often removed to re-gear the boat for other types of fishing during the off season. Its needed to keep scallops from freezing in the winter.
by ACIDDROPx420HITS March 28, 2023
by Egg shell September 5, 2019
What lame high schoolers put on their pick up trucks because their dads, that also have camper shells, made them.
by KillaKillaKev July 23, 2014