A Sweaty hat that your friend shit in and blew a cloud of vape in
Remember when you’re homie put on my scummy fog hat!?
by Spoogs August 31, 2018
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When you see fog outside, it actually Jesus smoking his crack pipe
“Did you see that Winter Fog earlier”
Yeah dude, Jesus got high on crack
by Charlie The Moth Man December 8, 2022
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When a girl is surrounded by good men but she doesn't see them so she often has a propensity to end up with less desirable options who don't treat her right.
"damn bro she keeps breaking up with all these guys!" "Yeah man she's got that dog fog!"
by TheRealDaVinchi March 29, 2023
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a person who is fake and smokes to much weed be they don't have a life so they bully other people into thinking they are straight but in reality they are a gay price of crap who needs to hop off the edge of the flat world. they also have a freckle on their right hand.
by corringey June 11, 2017
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is an irratating person that sits behind a desk reading rules/regulations/TMs and FMs all day thinking that means he/she knows everything about everthing aka a SFC Kaufman.
1) You are such a fog nozzel
2) Fucking kaufman you
by big sarge January 21, 2010
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Fog of perpetual confusion: a state of mind in which one simply cannot comprehend simple logic.

Aka: Chelsey Leanne Williford.
I tried explaining simple English to Mrs. Williford. The word was "yup." I sent her the urban dictionary meaning her response was "what???". "Fog of perpetual confusion"
by munkieflu March 6, 2014
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A fog frog is a sex position. You play one single round of leap frog and then blow a fog/air horn up ur opponent's ass
Michael really new how to fog frog last night
by Boi_person May 22, 2016
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