A day where Guadalupe gets on her hands knees for Joseph’s Shlong.
“Hey Joseph, you ready?”

“Yea, now get down for National Guadalupe Sucks Joseph’s Dick Day.”
by daelynfr May 9, 2024
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Step son: "Mum come here"
Mum: "Yes?"
Step son "SUCK ME DICK"
by A dick sucker March 24, 2021
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It means your friend with the nickname fred should go suck a dick while getting it up the ass
Me: Go suck a dick fred
Fred: Eww i aint gay
Me: Yes you are....
Fred: True....
by goat your friend January 30, 2016
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This is for all of the delusional or he's ur man but he's not ur man yet girlys. Or gays ig..

Free pass to suck his dick all month without any problems

(Mans with quotation mark bc he's not ur man...get help)
Hey Rylo it's suck your "mans" dick month...are you participating

by Victoria #1 Beastie October 2, 2023
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A phrase used to show the most disrespect possible while suggesting the listener Get fucked, fuck off, eat a dick,
You are of the opinion that I should handle this situation differently? I have an idea, why don’t you suck a dog dick and mind your own business!
by Weird Owl July 10, 2024
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