A-Wax: "who got some snaps on the petro? Slangin all that shit in the hood and yall aint got no mutherfuckin money."
by FlyAway July 20, 2011
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To give someone money for gas. Also can be used when lending youre friend money to have sex with a prostitute.
CKASH: Shit all yall niggaz slangin that shit in da hood and aint none of yall got snaps on the petro.
by young jeezy July 14, 2005
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The act of pooping on another's carpet, and grabbing the person by their hair, and rubbing their nose in the shit, while making them apologize for their wrong actions.
I dont care if he said he banged my dad, ill be petro-ing him later on !!
by MWest in February 7, 2011
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someone who uses a lot of gas
People who drive SUV's are petro pigs.
by Hannahbanana92 January 22, 2014
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An arab-american woman who is sick of trying to find a normal arab guy to date/marry. She gets so sick of the losers here that she decides to give up and move to Saudi Arabia where she can marry a rich Prince and live happily ever after wearing a burka and spending her husbands petro dollars.
Hazem: "What happened to Fatma?"

Muneer: " Man she ain't nothin' but a petro whore, she moved to Saudi and married Abd El Kharoof!"
by hazemibnsadeq October 8, 2008
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(Noun) One of many greasy, tight pants wearing, faux-hawk hair cement styling, oversize sunglasses flossing, fitted shirt rocking, diamond studded belt-buckle shining, excessive pungent cologne using, club hopping, sausage party attending, non-dancing & wall hugging men/boys of Arab or Middle Eastern descent.
"Did you just buy a Jacob & Co. watch to wear to class? That's so Petro-sexual!"
by Omar Offendum March 24, 2008
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