Taken from the "Mc"-based spelling of most menu items at McDonalds (e.g. McChicken, McFlurry), a McJob is what a McDonald's employee has.

Contrary to popular definition, jobs at McDonald's are not low paying nor dead-end - from the looks of things they've really shaped up, since it's the only thing a high school or college GRADUATE can get these days. Even if you're an experienced PHP programmer, video editor, and computer technician, the best job you can get these days is "flippin' burgers" at McDonald's.

Of course, the term applies to an employee of any fast food restaurant, though the slang term now applies less to McDonald's employees, but more to farm workers, immigrants, and other people who can do nothing more than bang their chest and grunt. They get McJobs. Not McDonald's employees. ^-^
"d00d, jack has a Mcjob!"
"Does he work at McDonald's?"
"um yeah?"
"The he has a job. What do you do?"
*dusts off grass* "pick grapes!"
"You have a McJob."
"ohhhh, no i does not!!!!i!i!!11oneone"
by Falcon4 March 29, 2005
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I went to McDonalds to get a cheeseburger, but I ended up getting a McJob instead...
by Damoh March 25, 2007
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A Blow job, hand job, tit job, or any kind of job given by a clown
"Yo man, i was at my kid sisters birthday party, and Bowzo gave me a mcjob"
by Mike Vaspasiano March 26, 2007
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The "favor" you get in the McDonalds bathroom
by D November 15, 2003
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"Oi Love, Want A Mcjob?"
by thenclman January 20, 2008
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Mostly known as a reference to a low-paying job.

Also known as the act of engaging in oral sex with a clown.
Damn, man... last night Ronald gave me a McJob.
by Gerber Baby January 6, 2008
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Blowjob made by a scotish women.
A:"I spend last night with that chick Anna Mcmartin."
B:"Oh, so you surely recieved nice mcjob"
by Gallaer December 7, 2006
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