Such a spicy snack. My local man crush. His hair is like a pillow of fluffy white clouds
Hey you know Keaton?
Yeah he can father my children :)
by Snakey-Sneak October 10, 2018
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Keaton is an annoying person. He know just how to make people very mad very quickly. A Keaton never turns in there homework and is failing almost every class. Trust me when I say this, never ever trust a Keaton. No matter what Keaton does not shut up.
Kallie: Keaton please be quiet
Keaton: No
Teacher: Keaton you have 15 missing assignments
Keaton: okay
Ella: Keaton please stop talking
Keaton: No
Teacher: turn in your homework
Keaton: it is not done yet
Danny: of course it is not done yet
Keaton: Haha
by magicalunicorns22 April 30, 2019
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A complete, and unparalleled arrogant person who cannot seem to get over him/herself
John: Sup man, want to hang out?
Keaton: No, Im too cool bro
by loldom November 8, 2013
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Keaton is more frequently used as a boys name however, when you come across a girl named Keaton it is very special. For Keaton is usually very smart, pretty, and funny. That’s not all though. She also seems to rub off as a tad bit witty and rude but, once you get to know her, she is gorgeous. Inside and out. So, if you’re ever lucky enough to meet a girl named Keaton, stick around.
“See that girl over there? Thats Keaton”
“Wow! Shes stunning
by Markie January 3, 2019
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When a stay-at-home dad, "Mr. Mom", has to avoid or elude a neighborhood mom in hot pursuit looking for some action.
Dude, I had to to totally pull a Keaton on that skank Susan at the corner cause she's been dropping by every day after the bus picks up Jack Jr.
by ChitownJack November 17, 2009
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