With Rice means to increase the positive scale of something in the 1 to 10 range, 1 low 10 high.
It comes from and internet meme of a guy who attempted to have sex with a coconut. He then posted the experience and said it was terrible. Other men tried to come up with ways to improve the experience, one guy said try it with warm rice. The guy with the coconut attempted a second time and posted the results and when asked on a scale 1 to 10 he replied a solid 2 but a 6 with rice.
by Victimized by police December 3, 2020
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A street drug made common by Low Riders. It is the worst possible drug that you can take.
"Hey, let's go take some oxycotton"
"Nah, I like vicodin"
"I like rice"
by IAmGnarly October 31, 2009
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A derogatory term, referring to Asian males who modify old economy cars to make them louder and slower, in an attempt to look cool and compensate for their miniscule penises. The true result of these efforts is that the loud car draws attention to the fact that they’re an idiot, with a slow, loud car and a tiny penis.

The term “rice” is slang for “rice dick”, which itself originates from the fact that the typical Asian male has a penis that’s no larger than a single grain of rice.

R.I.C.E. is also considered to be an acronym for Really Infinitesimal Cock Exhibition.

Phil: "Oh my god! That fuckin’ idiot cut the muffler off his 1991 Civic and taped a trash can lid to the roof to act as a spoiler."
Mark: "Stupid fuckin’ Rice."

by dirtyjeff June 12, 2008
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Slow ass Japanese car that uses thnks it will go faster with 2 15" subs blasting Trance music. It also has an engine that has less torque than it takes tighten the lugs on the pionless 20" rims that replaced the stock 13" rims that were too damn big for the engine to move! see also Hond Civic
Wow, that Honda ran the 1/4 in just under 17 seconds! Now that is rice at its finest!
by Domestic Driver July 11, 2003
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DeVaughn is so rice.
that guy got his head chopped off how rice!
dude ur so asian that your rice
pinto beans pssshh rice
by Lilaay es soo silllay November 28, 2010
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Race Inspired Cosmetic Enhanced
Race Inspired Cosmetic Enchancements
Wow this car is so RICE!
Are you are Racer or a RICE-R
by fasternfaster July 8, 2003
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