Like a grenade, an iceberg is a girl that you don't want around. This is a girl with a boyfriend; not bad on top, but beneath the surface there's a BIG problem.
Why are grenades and icebergs even allowed in the house?
by Napoleon Bronaparte January 29, 2011
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a cold and unemotinal person
Your such an iceberg. Why can't you be more sensitive?
by Light Joker May 19, 2007
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a turn that meets the 80/20 rule of icebergs. One that is big enough to come sticking out of the water 20%. Watch out because there's another 80% below!
by the prophet March 26, 2003
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The action taken generally by old people of swimming in the sea. It is usually a practice undertaken during winter, though can also be regarded as iceburging when the weather is regarded by the majority of the community to be too cold for swimming.
We were walking along the beach when we saw that old guy iceberging! It was the middle of winter, and he was out there in his togs swimming, the crazy old man!
by Tulleynews July 11, 2009
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someone who ruins it for everyone. in effect it is some one who, like an iceberg, sinks the whole ship. they usually dont mean to do this but their lack of foresight or the ability to think before they speak usually ends in the misfortune of everyone else around them. This may be someone who's very presence or personality is so objectionable that they ruin your day or night. you do not want to be an iceberg!
hey, the teacher didnt ask us to turn in our drafts, should i ask him about it?
-yea sure if you want to be an iceberg!

did anyone else notice a mistake in the paychecks? I seem to have gotten payed twice. maybe i should say something to payroll?
-Dude, shut up! Dont be a fucking iceberg!

hey we are over here!!
-c'mon really? dont call her over, she's such an Iceberg! she ruins everyones night!
by mama castellucci April 26, 2013
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An iceberg has no purpose on earth.

"Man, you cant do anything right. Fucking iceberg."
by Three ! October 9, 2008
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This is a special case of a Big Kahuna, itself a large turd. When any portion of the turd sticks above the waterline, you have created a Brown Iceberg. Much like it's icy namesake, the vast majority of the Brown Iceberg lies below the surface. When turds have achieved this dangerous size, it will often not flush down the toilet, resulting in a Pooplug.
I ate 2 pounds of Mexican food last night and found a brown iceberg in the toilet shortly thereafter!
by Captain Cid September 7, 2017
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