Los Angeleno slang for beers of any kind, cold or otherwise.
"hey do you have any frosties or should i pick some up?" Asked Jamal
by AndyFox1979 July 27, 2007
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Paul: Take a seat on my new bed
James: Screw you man, that beds got some frosty's, you need to clean up man!
by pallant25 October 1, 2007
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It means Cool, or Fresh.
Damn that new car is Frosty
by 219Crew November 5, 2007
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When a person displays acts of poutyness, jealousy, sudden burst of anger, quietness, and has a negetive outlook of the situation at hand.
Danny was FROSTY at papa rocks tonight because a friend was jaggen em off.
by Daryl and Talon August 26, 2007
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a degree above cool, surpasses cool
These new jeans as so "Frosty".
by Petrovia Hassan December 16, 2009
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A newcomer to the G-Run hierarchy. What you are when you first start coming on Fridays for the first 3 months.
"So what are you?"

"A frosty."

"Fuck that, I'm a mall rat."
by PaulynVonGore August 20, 2008
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verb. to be getting high, or being high. noun. frotsyness is weed.
bro we got some sick frostyness last night, and then get got mad frosty from it.
by Vito October 28, 2007
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