1.another name for the anus
2.to fight
Billy and Tommy decided to DOOK it out when they couldn't decide who was uglier.
by Dahulk19 September 6, 2003
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a large creamy substance that flows out the backside of all human beings and most animals. Usualy flows out in a shape that ends up looking like ice cream and/or frozen yogurt. Past tense= dump.
Jim-Bro, look at the size of that dook.
Bill- Whoa, that must have been a long dump.
by ChrisH_yo June 25, 2007
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1) Perrier
2) Whiskey
3) Any drink consumed straight from the bottle

origin: Dook is the sound effect used to indicate drinking in Tony Millionaire's comic strip Maakies.
They were out of the six packs of dook, so I got a glass one.

CVS charges like two bucks for a dook.
by don't be coy February 21, 2011
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Plunging your head into a receptacle to retrieve an item.
On Halloween the children were dooking for apples.
by r8r4 November 6, 2009
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A penis that is bent or hooked, especially in a way that would increase a partners pleasure during intercourse.
Yo man.. Dave keeps getting all the fly hunnys... whats his secret ??

Its because hes blasting them with that savage dook of his... keeps em coming back for more.
by Edward Brimley December 6, 2009
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