A derogatory term used to describe adults who get into costume for fantasy films. Not necessarily exclusive to the movie Avatar.
I was passing the movie theater and saw a huge line for Star Wars 12 Space Schweinhund and there were a couple of Avatards in their mid thirties fighting with light sabres in the parking lot.
by Doofis May 1, 2010
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1) Someone who's mental capacity has been diminished by the emotional stress caused by watching the movie Avatar

2) Someone who's mental capacity is diminished while experiencing new surroundings
"I wish I could live on Pandora" "Dude, you're such an Avatard!"

When I was in Moscow I didn't understand anything they were saying. I felt like such an Avatard.
by LavaLady January 18, 2010
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The sort of indiocy that people get up to when they're hiding behind the anononymity of a virtual persona, typically in arguments, or attempts at starting arguments, in chat rooms or internet forums.
"The starship Enterprise can beat the Millenium Falcon any day." - captain kyrk
"Dude, that's the most avatarded thing I've heard all day"-kingfysher
by kingfysher April 25, 2008
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Any person who, in an online (gaming) environment, creates an avatar which directly compensates for something they lack in reality, then takes it too far.
IE: "Tommy has awful hygiene and this disgusting huge pot-belly but his alter-ego Benevolus has abs of steel,preens constantly and makes fun of others based on looks. Tommy is such an avatard."
by Netah March 18, 2008
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Someone so obsessed with Avatar that they begin to lose friends over it.
"Where's Jake?"

"Waiting in line for the midnight release of Avatar"

"What an effin Avatard"
by Richie Elton April 24, 2010
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An Avatar Fanboy. Generally a person who has no intrest in Sci-Fi or anything like that, and when asked why they like it, reply with the words - 'It's a good film!'.
Person 1 - 'Have you seen Avatar?'
Person 2 - 'No.'
Person 1 - 'It's AMAZING! I WANT TO BE A NA'VI!'
Person 2 - 'Your such an avatard.'
by NiteOwl137 January 17, 2010
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A person who is so utterly obsessed with James Cameron's film, Avatar, that he or she would undergo extensive plastic surgery, AIDS, and death in order to be a fucking 10 foot tall blue alien, if given the opportunity.
Avatard: DUDE!!!!!!!!11111111111111111 DID YOU SEE AVATAR?
Normal kid: Yeah. I saw it. It sucked dicks.
Avatard: WTF?!?!?!
Normal kid: Did you not notice that the plot was Pocahontas revisisted?
Avatard: NAH...I wanna be an avatar!!!111111111 They're so fucking 1337!!!!!!!!!!11111111111111111111111
Normal kid: *Facepalm*
by wrongturn January 13, 2010
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