*Man riding unicycle in middle of traffic*
Get outta the road you asshat!!
by GVILLEJESS April 29, 2008
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A close cousin of the Ass-clown, typically identified by a jovial expression and an outward misunderstanding of how he/she is perceived, combined with a generally misguided conception of what is sociably acceptable amongst his/her fellow peers.

Said persons' frequent attempts at humor usually lead to he/she making an ass out of his/herself. Not to be confused with ass-hole.

Term of brother love used by the MAAN Clan
"Quit throwing pennies at that homeless man, you asshat."

"Hey asshat, thanks for Frag."
by Clown asshat February 22, 2008
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A person that has their own head up their own ass, thus creating a hat out of their own ass. Also, an object that sits upon one's head and smells of shit.
"You asshat, take off that asshat!"
by Silty Loam March 10, 2010
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'you are such an asshat'
by jenna rae June 5, 2005
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Having an insult that you intiated turned against you.
TophatManiak was asshatted when he tried to correct the spelling of "Duct Tape" to "Duck Tape" and FlatLiner told him that he was a dumbass and it was in fact spelled "Duct Tape".
by !!*_RocketDiva March 8, 2003
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Someone who is so frustrating to be around, through their own speech, actions, or general attitude, that you wish to punch them in their face so hard it will swing around and lodge itself into their own anus. Thus becoming a hat.
That guy wearing the cow suit? He's an asshat.
by XDAS January 19, 2011
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