a person’s rear end; the gluteus maximus
specifically used when you slap another person’s butt.

never to be used in front of adults.
synonym for tushy/tush
Me and my homies slap each other’s wang wangs sometimes.
by faxspitter445 December 21, 2020
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I happyslapped this cockshiner at school then nicked his phone lmao but the bellend chased me like so i wanged it out the window
by 3856 November 24, 2010
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To deface someone's property by drawing a penis on it.
"What the fuck? Cam wanged my calculator"
"Oh man someone went around wanging all the tables in here"
"Watch, I'm going to wang his book"
by Lindsayyyyyyyyy January 14, 2006
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To wang someone is to slap your wang in someones face from side to side repetedly.
Mr Doody was found wanging Sean good and proper in the P.E changing rooms.
by Green Ocelot February 21, 2008
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As well as a surname, wang is also a slang word for somebody's penis.
John Wang has a big wang is the same as saying "John Wang has a big penis."
by dullhilarity April 18, 2021
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Slang , meaning something is tangy or sour , a wizz taste .
That lemon has a bit of wang to it .
by Martok November 30, 2020
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