When something isn't done wrong just not the way you want it to be done.
by Harley MuthaFukin Quinn November 4, 2020
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"Shite" is the Gaelic word for "shit". It's used in any context "shit" can be used in.
by Moonstruck220 March 10, 2006
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One of the two main branches of Islam, the other being Sunni. The majority of people in Iraq and Iran are Shite muslims, but the Shite muslims are vastly out-numbered in the world by the Sunni. The Sunni believe Mohammad should have picked his own successor, the Shite believe it should have been Ali, the nephew of Mohammad, so they have been killing each other for about 700 years now over this.
The Shites, once an oppressed minority in Iraq, now control the government, and have increased the influence of the Iranian Shites in the Middle-East.
by nicodagger March 2, 2009
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"The train does not come for another 45 minutes".

"Well that's shite".
by Urban Exec July 15, 2016
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Used heavily in the 5 nations to mean shit. Often with cockney or pikey accent.
"Ah bloody shite, its raining again."
by Diego August 25, 2003
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