Only part of Sydney where by law all citizens must carry a Shire Calander when travelling abroad.
When a Shirine meets new people. "Hi everyone, My name is Aimee, I'm from the Shire, Australia." Producing calander from bag. "and this is where I live."
by Pascal April 22, 2005
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"Iain, I'm taking a Shire"
"I stink, I need a Shire"
"Why is there cabbage growing in my Shire?!"
by Captain Happy Pants March 2, 2005
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a county, staffordshire, yorkshire, lincolnshire, its also the name of a big work pony, called the shyre oss or shire horse or just shire pony, counties in the former english colonies are also called shires
I'm from a small village in the south stafford"shire" coal feilds,
by paul hinton December 9, 2005
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the same thing as sure just sounds better
wanna go get some chicken? shire dude
by bert October 31, 2003
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Affectionate and Core word for the beautiful area of countryside and villages in South-East Leicestershire and bordering on Northamptonshire which runs from Kibworth in the North West, down via Medbourne and Ashley in the South East and round to the hub, Market Harborough in the South West. Particular beauty spots are The Lane, The Climbing Bridge and the Neville garden.
"What bliss - we are off up to the Shire this weekend"

"Thought I might go out in the Shire this weekend"
by Julia July 11, 2003
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The area of land extending from the borders of South Woodford up to Epping, incorperating Buckhurst Hill, Loughton, Chigwell and a whole lotta forest
Oh how I long for the Shire!
by Anonymous March 15, 2003
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The greatest hood on da planet. Cap city Richmund south side
Person 1:You check the Shire's new crib?

Person 2:Yeah man its the shit!
by psikappadaddy August 9, 2006
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