Pod is used to describe things/people that are absolutely flawless in every way, shape or form.
Man, my girlfriend is so pod, I've no idea how I'm so lucky.
by Egrodo October 3, 2013
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(Post olympic departure syndrome) To be in the stage of recovering from olympic excitment
Hope you all aren't suffering from PODS
by Vancouver2010 April 3, 2010
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1)Pile of Dogshit (not a piece but a PILE)
2)A person with the lowest mentality and absolutely no motivation.
3)A person just short of being a vegetable.
Ooooh! You didn't hire that PODS did you?
by albee al-bee October 21, 2003
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An i-pod with nudity or really sexy photos on it
Mike stole my a-pod and masterbated with it.
by A-Red March 10, 2009
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Pissed Off Dyke Syndrome
how your girlfriend gets when you don't like her idiot "friends"
Jim"She's a fucking bitch"
John"(whispers) yeah, She's got the PODS"
by Jack of Hearts August 12, 2015
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Pussy On Demand

When you have sex with a girl whenever you want.
One of the good things of having a girlfriend is POD!!!
by tiff June 30, 2006
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He has more POD than any guy I know
by Urrealname November 19, 2014
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