(Pronouced: Pl-ink)
Use instead of pink. Second name for pink.
Gemma: So Jayne whats you favorite color?
Jayne: Um plink
Gemma: What?
Jayne: Er, it means pink. Didnt you know that?
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person 1: how be you??
person 2: hmmm
person 1: plink for f*** sake
by i am urban dictionary February 11, 2011
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The sound a penny makes when falling to the ground after you throw it away only to find out you need it when you buy your Big Mac because they raised the fucking price!
by John January 15, 2004
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When the foam part of a pair of field hockey goggles becomes dislocated from the wire cage.

The wearer looks extremely disheveled and noob-ish.
Example 1:

"Your plink just dinked, you may want to fix that..."
"my what?"
"your plink"
"OH, did it dink? that's embarassing."

Example 2:
"Okay, let's go out there, play our hardest and plink some dinks"

Example 3:
"I love plink dinking, it makes me feel so superior"
by Unicorn01451 November 25, 2009
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Many small burning terds, usually occur after a night of heavy dirnking.
Yoo, that 26er really gave me the sting plinks this morning
by Tyler Henrich May 20, 2007
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To mess up or flub, specifically during a musical performance. Refers to the sounds made for missed notes in the game "Guitar Hero."
"Johnny totally plinked the chorus of 'Sweet Child o' Mine!"
"Dude, he totally botched that trick...PLINK!!!!"

by -dB November 30, 2007
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