make it competible with nigger needs, make it look like it belongs to a nigger
oh man look at the niggerized car hahaha
by Scottieboi May 21, 2006
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When being any race that has no relation to being African, that a person is being converted to the african american culture of a nigger, which the action would be "niggerized".
My friend Bobby was niggerized by Tyrone.
by feederbronze5 February 2, 2017
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To have someplace perfectly good completely taken over by black dudes.
Yo, they opened up that new Mickey D's on Portage Avenue, but it got totally niggerized and I can't get any service up there.
by Douchehole June 12, 2007
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Something that is especially ghetto. Can usually be applied all things low rent or tacky
Did you see those rims they were niggerant!!
That bitch has 5 kids by different daddys she's one niggerant ho
by Wee Ph1l September 6, 2005
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It means you like big blak beaner asian chinese mexican british irish american canadian african gorilla niggas on your pirate boat.
The the niggers a nigger... the niggers a nigger... hes such a nigger.... i like to hang niggas up. - The niggers and nigger and parody of the girls a miner.
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A racist word that means "black theif" it also means "black slave"
I have a nigger in my backyard building a shed.
by pooperscooper012 January 16, 2015
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The equivalent of no homo, used after saying something inadvertently black.
Cracka Mofucka: Yo G I'm in da hood
Cracka Mofucka: No nigger
by Benjamin D. Overson January 2, 2010
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