Someone with high skills to do almost anything when comes between a battle, With a kick ass lightsaber color :D.
Mark will become a known jedi for centuries
by Mark December 1, 2003
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Of or pertaining to something "cool". Can be used in replacement of fly, da bomb, slick, or hella goddamn badass. Since all of those terms suck ass, jedi is used.
Look at that new car, it's jedi!
by blazey July 8, 2004
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adj. meaning an impressive acrobatic skill.
-Did you see that guy do a backflip?
-Yah it was so jedi!
by The Cat's Pyjamaz August 24, 2008
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Being extremly cool and leet.
by dazed September 25, 2003
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A description of a cool event, such as one that shows mad skillz.
Damn. That flip was Jedi.
by Sonny Minhas January 13, 2005
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1. A group, or "order" of individuals who can read minds, float things yadda yadda. who every one with not much of a life wishes they where.

2. Most brits, when pushed into saying what religion they are will say, jedi.
geeky kid - man those jedi knights are sooooo cool, i wanna be one (making pathetic lightsabre noises and waving an invisible sword)

Researcher - so sir, what religion are you?
Guy - erm, let me see.
Researcher - come on sir, its not a difficult question is it?
Guy - eeerrrmmm. Jedi?
by TuBsy February 17, 2005
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A loser who can't hold a match to a Sith Lord! Usualy ranting on about proffecies and what not.
Anakin was a Jedi before he woke up and smelled the bacon and became a Sith.
by Darth_`Eowyn September 10, 2006
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