ok so greenwich is THE most uber rich and preppy town on the east coast. it is filled with private schools and country clubs. everyone uses words like 'sketchy', 'uber', 'mad', or 'mad chill'. everyone wears lacoste, vineyard vines, lily, ralph lauren, j. crew and many other preppy labels. everyone here does sports, if u dont...wait no one doesnt do sports...the most popular ones r lacrosse, football, water polo (ummm ya its for girls too!!!), field hockey, and ice hockey. ok so there r some wild partys here but not everyone is always drunk and stoned. ok and we do sometimes push that we live in greenwich...im really not sure why...but watever, i luv it here!!!
greenwich is the place to be.
by liz buffone July 20, 2005
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in this town you will not meet someone who's house is worth less than 1 million dollars-not even at public school. most of us smoke weed and all of us drink up a storm. we all have mexicans to do our gardening, and housekeepers to clean our gigantic homes. most of us have more than one home, more than three cars, and at least one country club membership. gala benifets occur so often if it unbelivable. the high school parking lot looks like the parking lot at a 5 star hotel, and if you don't own a polo shirt, then you are considered poor. you are also considered poor if you don't belong to any clubs.
Greenwich is a bubble, and it will never break
by badassprep June 2, 2005
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Fairfield county is reputed to be eminently rich and obviously it is, however few towns in this area really grasp the idea of being the elite, the cream of the crop, the i-don't-care-because -you'll-be-working-for -me-in-ten-years, but Greenwich does. That's why this it's so special because the kids already know they're going to be successful, not because they work hard, not because they perpetually strive to be at the top, but because they were born into a particular family, and that is fair game. They know how to act, they know how to party, and although many other towns in southern Connecticut try to pursue Greenwich's goals, they are not even close. The people who live in Greenwich and hate being there is probably due to the fact that they moved from New Jersey and they are ugly. But any decent human beings know that a place like Greenwich can only be enjoyed by the best.
Kid: What do you think of that kid?
Other Kid: Um... i think he needs to lose that flat brim, and his trashy A4, he also needs to go back to Shelton because i hear that's ok over there.
Kid: No doubt, lets be out, I can only be away from Greenwich for so long before these corolla's start making my head hurt
by Louie B October 2, 2006
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sterotyped town there are differnt kinds of people rich poor white african american hispanic...religous differences
not everyone has a gold bathroom and u CAN find houses under one million dollers
some ppl live here because the schooling is great
and if u think this is not a good definition then come to greenwich and ull see we r preppy but not everyone needs to have natukue red belts
GREENWICH IS PREPPY though but u cant say anthing about that cause were cool like that
go look up ur name or sterotype
and we dont have teapartys! everyday..
sterotype:"shes from greenwich shes a rich bitch that has a boat and 5 houses"

normal person "i live in greenwich connecticut right by the sound"
"oh that seems like it would be a nice view ur can afford it or is it expensive?"
by hinallina May 17, 2007
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Greenwich is located in connecticut, richest town in country- basically everyones got mad loot, and we throw down all the time (have parties) and play ruit (game of beiruit) in umpteen million dollar houses and drive to them in lexus's and beemers and then go outside and sit on our private docks and sesh mad nuggz and then go into the cabins of our yachts and blow lizzie's to our nizzie's of white and then go sesh an L to our face. Basically were mad rich and I'll outdrink u
Mike: yo lets go swill a handle of cap. mo's
Bob: aright straight, tom got the nuggz
Tom: You know I got the hooksit son
Mike: Lets get sloppy!
Bob: Im so glad we live in Greenwich
by DrinkerBrn May 1, 2006
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Fairfield county is reputed to be eminently rich and obviously it is, however few towns in this area really grasp the idea of being the elite, the cream of the crop, the i-don't-give-a-fuck -because-you'll-be-working-for -me-in-ten-years, but Greenwich does. That's why this it's so special because the kids already know they're going to be successful, not because they work hard, not because they perpetually strive to be at the top, but because they were born into a particular family, and that is fair game. They know how to act, they know how to party, and although many other towns in southern Connecticut try to ensue Greenwich's goals, they are not even close. The people who live in Greenwich and hate being there is probably due to the fact that they moved from New Jersey and they are ugly. But any decent human beings know that a place like Greenwich can only be enjoyed by the best.
Kid: What do you think of that kid?
Other Kid: Um... i think he needs to lose that flat brim, and his shitty A4, he also needs to go back to fairfield because i hear that shit is tolerated over there.
Kid: No doubt, lets be out, I can only be away from Greenwich for so long before these corolla's start making my head hurt
by Louie B October 1, 2006
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In Greenwich everyone has a big colonial-style mansion with a pool, tennis court and movie theater. The moms are all fake blondes and are on the board of some Greenwichy association because they found some rich Greenwich man to suck off of and don’t work. Everyone is a member of a country club and sends their kids to the same Greenwich private school where they all meet each other. Greenwich girls get every piece of clothing they want and wear brands like LoveShack fancy, star sweaters, and have 10 pairs of Golden Goose sneakers. They go to St. Barths every fucking weekend with their other Greenwich girl friends where they film themselves on instagram for everyone in Greenwich to see. If not they’re on the “ave” getting more clothes and going to Starbucks or Pressed Juicery. They all look the same and have fake blond highlights, fake tan, and have a slightly annoyed, empty and entitled look on their faces. They think everyone should bow down and hand everything to them. They are always talking to the Greenwich boys, who also have bad haircuts, wear vineyard vines to school but pretend they’re ghetto outside of school, and big douches. Daddy will pay for anything including getting them into boarding school when they’re all dumb as bricks. They also spend all class talking about who’s hot or not and “which families are going on vacation together.”
Girl 1: Where's the new prove school you go to

Girl 2: Greenwich
Girl 1: Yikes it will be miserable unless you wear loveshack fancy and go to St Barths every break
by bye Felicia 32 April 29, 2020
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