A form of underground heavy metal that involves deep-growling lyrics, distorted guitars, drums fast as shit, heavy, distorded guitars, lyrics involving death, destcrution, war, satan, egypt (Nile), poltics, and more death. people look down upon this great music only because there too fucking stupid to listen to it, stupid pop/rap/cocksucksers...you probbaly think slipknot is death metal....i pitty you
Napalm Death, Nile, Morbidn Angel, Cannibal Corpse, Six Feet Under, Vader, Vomitory, Malevoelent Creation, Skinless, and DEFTINANLY FUCKING NOT SLIPKNOT
by mynameisinthetrashcanofdoom August 8, 2003
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Also known as music listened to by pessimistic, mysanthropic,(usually) white, working-class, adults, who appreciate good music.
" Ah, the world is going to hell, and my work-week is over-- I'm going to chill-out with a beer and some Death Metal".
by Perpetual Decay June 18, 2008
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Subgenre of metal that is mostly characterized by heavier detuned riffing and complex rhythmic compositions diversifying itself outside the blast beat ridden thrash metal predecessors. Vocals changed over from the raspy throaty vocals of thrash to gutteral roars. Early influences include Hellhammer/Celtic Frost and Death (considered one of the first death metal bands). Later death metal bands incorporated detuning from standard tuning (for their guitars and bass guitars) for a heavier sound as well as influences from jazz/fusion for multiple time signature changes, start and stop tempo changes etc.
Suffocation, Detrimental, Crimson Thorn, newer Boltthrower
by B. January 26, 2004
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Music for those who consider brilliant technical mastery of an instrument more important than actual songwriting.
"Music with careful subtlety and texture is for pussies. I prefer death metal."
by rationalthinker November 30, 2006
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1.A type of metal charicterized in many ways. Mostly having screaming or growling lyrics, anti-rhythmatic guitar beats and extremly heavy drumming. 2. Kick ass music
1. Hey, what kind of music is this? Oh, thats Death Metal.
2. This music is so much better than all that poppy shit they play on the radio.
by Jevin June 19, 2003
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A genre of music that encompasses some of the most complex songs, rhythmically, theoretically, and philosophically. When done correctly, it can define emotion in its purest form. It is the epitome of precision and controlled nihilism and chaos.
Chuck Schuldiner is the father of death metal
by Lord Worm August 17, 2003
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