What Pitbull says in his raps 'cause he got no word to rhyme his bullshits with.

See how ridiculous it sounds
Put it on my life, baby,
I make you feel right, baby
Can't promise tomorrow
But, I promise tonight
Dale (Pitbull says Dalé)
by Dustin Whitelock December 8, 2016
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Reffering to a Southern Illinois (also called So Ill) town, called Carbondale; it is the heart of So Ill, it is an oasis in terms of culture. It is inbetween Murphysboro, and Marion because cambria craneville and caterville arent actually towns.
Im going to The Dale today, to do something interesting.
by Peter Batinski March 24, 2007
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Dale Earnhardt, a NASCAR driver with a very impressive moustache, who died in 2001. Immortalized by Wal Mart employees, wife-beater collectors, and trailer dwelling folk the world over, his full name was shortened to the one word "Dale", in the same way as "Pele", "MJ", or "Larry the Cable Guy" has been in the past. Also known as the intimidator, due to a combination of his willingness to ram into people, and for said impressive moustache.

Said supporters are easily spotted as they will generally have a sticker showing his number 3 with angel wings sticking out of it. Another form of the word, "Daaaaaaaaale!" is often uttered by sad lonely men in country bars "down south".
Chap one: "I say, you appear to be rather depressed. Would you like to talk about what's making you so sad?"
Chap two, crying: "Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaale!"

Chap one: "I do enjoy a good car race, but these chaps don't seem to know how to turn right."
Chap two: "Y'know who could? Dale. Git R done, boogity boogity, boogity!"
by Gaz Edmunds October 3, 2006
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He's a lad.
Dale is a lad.
by Curry King 123 February 23, 2021
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Another word for a vagina (Dale is the phoenetic spelling)
Sitting on a bus the other day I overheard two young men talking.
They had spotted a very attractive woman getting on to the bus.
I heard one say to his friend " I would love to rut her dale "
by Stais September 11, 2005
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often found to be wearing a cow suit. just plain filth. filth coincides with people such as a holly or jas. filthiest people out.
did you see that group of filth before? no, were you talking about jas, holly & dale?
by aim-swizzle May 25, 2011
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